Play Video about Fred Fabrik®
Play Video about Fred Fabrik®
Play Video about Fred Fabrik®
Play Video about Fred Fabrik®
Play Video about Fred Fabrik®
Play Video about Fred Fabrik®
Fred Fabrik®

Pedro Carvalhinho

Pedro Carvalhinho doesn’t always know what he’s doing, but he always knows where he wants to go. Unorthodox, he blends humor with visual elegance; he is comfortable with storytelling; a fan of nonsense; has fashion language as second nature; recognizes the importance of sound; considers himself highly creative (like everyone in this field); there are days when he won’t stop talking and weeks when he hardly speaks; loves books that no one reads anymore; one day he wants to make documentaries like Herzog; and he was born on the lower deck of the D. Luis Bridge, inside a taxi, at the end of summer in 1990. Perhaps that’s why he is a director without a fixed place. Finally, despite avoiding them, he doesn’t demonize clichés, gladly embracing the most harmless ones, like writing his own biography in the third person.
